This blog is about Hawaii and other tropical places in the world as well as a health blog. This blog is what I do for myself to control my friends and relatives acid reflux, ulcer and gout. I am not a doctor and claim no medical expertise. What works for others may not work for you. Information found on this blog should only be used after exploring the safety of the information. Blog owner will not be held liable for the use of any information found on this blog.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

What to eat for Acid reflux : Best Fast Food Picks for Those With GERD

What to eat for Acid reflux : Best Fast Food Picks for Acid reflux or gerd.
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My friend has acid reflux and he watches his food. At that time in the beginning, Ben's food allergies and acid reflux were so bad, we didn't know what to order. Ben just doent know what to eat while all of us are enjoying our meal at the restaurant.

If you have acid reflux,this are the best foods to order while eating out. This works for him and his enjoying eating out. This is what he does. He also eat this while his out on vacation.

1. McDonalds. I order, "Grilled chicken, plain, with a small order of fries."
2. Chinese Take Out. "Steamed chicken, no sauce, and steamed white rice."
3. Smoothie Shops. "Banana/honey smoothie and do you mind using this milk?" (I provide the rice milk in a small carton).
4. Food Court at the Mall - the Japanese place. "Large bowl of steamed rice with duck sauce on the side."
5. Kentucky Fried Chicken. "Chicken breast." (I remove the coating).
6. Snow Cone Stands. "Just the snow." (I put Ben's juice on top).
7. Pizza shops. (We bring our own for Ben wrapped in foil, and ask if they would mind putting it in their oven when they put ours in. They have always said, "no problem.")
8. Convenient stores such as Wawa or Royal Farms. "Turkey from the deli, Lays potato chips, a banana from the stand of fruit and a bottle of water."
9. Subway. "Just turkey, no bread, potato chips, and water."

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