This blog is about Hawaii and other tropical places in the world as well as a health blog. This blog is what I do for myself to control my friends and relatives acid reflux, ulcer and gout. I am not a doctor and claim no medical expertise. What works for others may not work for you. Information found on this blog should only be used after exploring the safety of the information. Blog owner will not be held liable for the use of any information found on this blog.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Should we have free healthcare in America ?

In The UK.

What other countries have, and I am confidant that this is to what you refer, are situations where health care is free at the point of delivery. In the UK, my original home, workers pay a percentage of monthly salaries into National Insurance, from which are funded Hospitals, Doctor, and specialist clinicians, etc. [not dentists of opticians!]

Routine visits to GPs [PCPs] are not chargeable, neither are ER visits, hospitalisation regardless of length of stay, operations and other procedures as inpatient or outpatient, neither are they billed for ambulance services.

The result of this system - undeniable socialist in principle and practise - is that no one need going to get medical or surgical assistance from professionals on acount of the cost. Furthermore, those who have retired from work make no further contribution to health care costs, unlike the US where almost $200.00 each is taken every month from my wife and me to help pay for our Medicare costs.

In the UK, once a person reaches retirement age, 65, they no longer have to pay any prescription charges, and the same applies to thos with certain chronic conditions and the terminally ill.

There is a lot of ancient gossip about NHS horrors, but the present government over the course of ten or so years has upped the funding and provided more specialists and nurses, so that waiting lists that were once many months, even years, are reduced to a very short and reasonable time.

This system provides for the poor, the outcast, the homeless, the mentally ill, the vulnerable, and every other unfortunate who needs medical assistance to alleviate their conditions and diseases, and raises the level of life expectancy, rids bad areas of hiome-grown diseases, and improves the quality of life for all who take advantage of it.

Whilst it is true that some irresponsible people abuse the system, this abuse is not of such an order that it deprives others, and the overall operation of this Health Service is a blessing and a boon to the whole nation.

I heartedly recommend it to the US.

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