This blog is about Hawaii and other tropical places in the world as well as a health blog. This blog is what I do for myself to control my friends and relatives acid reflux, ulcer and gout. I am not a doctor and claim no medical expertise. What works for others may not work for you. Information found on this blog should only be used after exploring the safety of the information. Blog owner will not be held liable for the use of any information found on this blog.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Can vitamins make Acid Reflux and Heartburn worse?

Can vitamins make Acid Reflux and Heartburn worse?
It depend on you. Always take a food journal and thus you can see the cause of the problem.

I take vitamins/supplements (and a few additional ones). Try taking them twice a day or even three times a day. It helps if you take them with food. Another option is not taking them at all. If you are in good health and eat a well-balanced diet, you should be getting enough nutrients.

Your heartburn might have been caused by something you ate that day that did not agree with you. Happens to me sometimes.

If the Calcium you are taking is a solid pill, it might not be desolving quickly. Maybe a chewable Calcium would be better.

Asiprin in high doses can cause GERD.

One thing is suggested is that : As soon as you feel heartburn coming on....then start drink plenty of water.

Try taking your supplements on a full, rather then empty stomach and like one poster said, spreading it out during the day.

Maybe some at breakfast and some at lunchtime.

Note: It has been suggested that taking Vitimin C can inhibit the absorbtion of calcium.
Maybe take a chewable calcium before beditme.

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