This blog is about Hawaii and other tropical places in the world as well as a health blog. This blog is what I do for myself to control my friends and relatives acid reflux, ulcer and gout. I am not a doctor and claim no medical expertise. What works for others may not work for you. Information found on this blog should only be used after exploring the safety of the information. Blog owner will not be held liable for the use of any information found on this blog.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

What are some good herbs or foods for helping the kidneys?

Some people recommend eating parsley. Celery is good. Eat more seafood and more raw vegetables and less meat. There are a lot of benefits to parsley and it is high in Vitamin C. Also taking a cranberry supplement is supposed to be good (it helps to acidify and lubricate the urinary tract). Garlic is very good to take for this and for general health. There are other herbs which are benefitial. Lots of Vitamin C (not the "ester") and Vitamin B6 (and, also, generally your B-complex) can be helpful. Arginine might help (seeds and legumes as part of diet). Eating ginger root can be very benefitial. Aloe vera juice could also help to reduce the size of stone formation.

Some other herbs: dandelion root, hydrangea, uva ursi, marshmellow root, juniper berries, red clover, goldenrod tea (if not suffering from allergies), gravel root.

Magnesium. Contrary to what is popular in the media, most people get enough calcium. They lack magnesium. The two balance. You can over-do calcium, but not magnesium. In order for the body to properly absorb magnesium, it needs an acidic context. Natural Vitality (California) is a company that carries a magnesium product called "Calm". Within a few minutes you will find it effective. Not only will it help one sleep, but it is great if you have muscle related problems, back pain, or any of a whole list of ailments. This could help.

There is a lot that can be done. A primary thing is a proper balanced diet and exercise. You know...the food groups.... Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats (or better yet fish or seafood), whole grain breads, drink lots of fluids, exercise, etc. The good balance type routine. As an example, the exercise will help the body with any type of waste elimination activity. You must cut out sugars or refined starchy foods (like macaroni or white bread), because these really make it worse. Be cautious about exposing your body to chemicals or preservatives or food additives. An example: many chemicals can be dramatically absorbed by the skin, and cleaners or some body-care products are not healthy for the body to absorb. Limit your intake of calcium rich foods like cheese or milk. I recommend consulting a good health food store. People can "overdo" calcium. Calcium works with magnesium. Often the magnesium is deficient. Kidney stones often are mostly composed of calcium.

All of us develop crystals which hopefully get washed out from time to time with the fluids we drink. These crystal deposits vary in material...often calcium and other materials. Since the kidneys flush out poisons, the toxins (like metals) can get hung up on these crystals. Accumulation of toxins and blockage compound the problem as these crystals increase in size (stones). This is a great reason to drink plenty of help keep the system washed out and clean.

Actually, some people have had success in eliminating stones by drinking lots of water and then just running up and down the stairs. It gets the "engine" going. Fluids, heat, circulation... ...the system is pumping.

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