1 Lower water heater temperature to 120°F
2 Loweer thermostat in winter by 2°F
3 Wash clothes in cold water
4 Turn off unneeded lights
5 Turn off home-office equipment
6 Unplug extra fridge in garage
7 Increase AC thermostat by 3°F
8 Air dry clothes during summer
9 Use energy-saving mode on appliances. Studies have shown
you can save $50 per year using this feauture alone.
Add up all the nine steps and you can save a total of $300.00 per year
I save as much as any person can these days , turn off the ac durning the day, open the windows to let the fresh air in , do laundry once a week, run the dish washer once a week , keep things unpluged that are not being used, have only the lights on in the room we are in..my light bill has droped some this year not much, but i can see the difference from last year [200.00] a month to [150.00] sometimes even [140.00] .. times are hard for all of us but if we keep trying we can get threw this it may hurt us not to go buy that cup of 5.00 cup of coffee, stay home with the family dont go out every night to eat do it once a week , stay out of the theaters buy a movie for 5.00 and then u can see it over again as many times as u like.. my thoughts to everyone who says they cant make it in these hard times think of those who have less than we [us] do get down on your knees and thank him up above ... we are lucky to kave what little bit of our life is ours, it could be worse than u think.
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