Manny Pacquaio defeated Oscar De La hoya after eight rounds of pounding for a TKO. De la Hoyas corner decided to not continue in the 9th round because according to his corner Manny Pacquaio is simply too fast for De La hoya. Between rounds, referee Tony Weeks told De La Hoya, "If you keep taking punches, I'm stopping the fight."
Manny Pacquiao's speed prevailed over De La Hoyas size. The bout was one sided and De la Hoya was on the receiving end of an ass whopping. Lots of boxing critics under estimated Manny Pacqiao. If you look at my previous post below, UFC's Brandon Vera and Roger Huerta made a bet that the loser will wear a chicken suit on a Saturday night and on a busy street corner for an hour. Roger Huerta picked De La Hoya so he gets to wear the chicken suit. Hope the boxing critics who picked De La Hoya gets to do the same.